Sunday, May 8, 2011

One Down! ...and a flood update!

We had a great weekend in Knoxville celebrating Mr. and Mrs. Blake Lewis. Jessie, of course, had a beautiful ceremony and reception. It was so much fun to be a part of their day. I was a little bit stressed due to my current living situation and the fact that my car looked like a yard sale. However, it was a great weekend spent with my favorite people. And, who wouldn't love a rehearsal dinner in Neyland Stadium?! I have a few photos from the weekend, and I will include a flood update below that.
 Rehearsal Dinner in Neyland

 Sisters at the Bridesmaid's Luncheon

Just one example of Jessie's expert crafting ability

When I left Memphis on Thursday, I pretty much "evacuated" my house. Thanks to Mac and several friends, all of my furniture was on the second level of my house. My parents and Mac's Dad met at the house on Friday to decide whether or not to pull out the appliances. They decided to leave them in. I got back to the Island this afternoon, and we still have full access. The power is on and the roads are clear. However, there are police officers at the entrance to the Island asking for your address before they will allow you on. This makes for a traffic nightmare. 

The river is not expected to crest until Tuesday, and they are still saying it will crest at 48 feet. However, I am 100 percent sure they have no idea when or at what height it will crest. The Mississippi River is currently three miles wide in Memphis. This width is normally half of a mile. It is so crazy. I feel very blessed that my house is still safe and am thinking of those that are not as lucky. I have a few photos of the current flood levels below. 
 Wolf River on Sunday, May 8

 Same photo, but taken on May 4

My house. Yes, my couch is on five-gallon buckets. 
I am thinking of this as a great opportunity to do some spring cleaning.

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